Service Protocol

Information on CoVid 19 arrangements for in-person meetings


In person work has resumed with individual psychology consultations and small group classes and retreats, abiding current public health guidelines. This page outlines our shared understanding on how we can meet safely together.

  • If you feel unwell and suspect you may have Covid-19 please do not come to in person meetings. Please cancel your appointment and contact your G.P.
  • With timing, we ask that you are not too early and not too late. If you are early you may be asked to remain outside until your therapist has had adequate time to clean and prepare the room for use.
  • If there is an unavoidable delay, please contact and be aware that flexibility on your finishing up time is no longer possible. This is to ensure necessary cleaning time between appointments.
  • Upon entry please use the hand sanitiser provided by the therapy room door.
  • In the interest of hygiene it is preferable that you bring your own water bottle and some tissues.
  • Please bring as few personal items [bags, backpacks, etc] with you as possible.
  • If you bring your own coffee/drink with you in a disposable cup we’d appreciate it if you could take your drinks container with you when you leave.
  • We will wear face masks whilst attending sessions as required by public health guidelines
  • We will also maintain the recommended appropriate physical distancing in the space we share.
  • The rooms is ventilated by opening windows and doors (when studio not in use).
  • The toilet is stocked with disinfectant, paper towels and wipes: we suggest you wipe any surfaces you touch whilst using the facilities. Please do not flush any disinfectant wipes you use: place them in the bin provided instead.
  • Hand sanitising gel will be available in the therapy rooms as well as various points in the building.
  • Please adhere to the recommended HSE coughing & sneezing guidelines.
  • When your session is over, we’d ask that you leave the premises as directly as possible to allow your therapist time to clean in preparation for the next client.
  • Please use hand sanitiser before leaving the building.
  • For Contact Tracing purposes all clients will be required to complete a Covid-19 screening form which will include a request for permission to allow Dr. Sheena Burke to release their First Name and Mobile number to the relevant bodies should such a request be made.
  • If there are concerns for a client’s health they may be asked to cancel the appointment and contact their GP.

Consent and Declaration Forms Required

Clients must complete a declaration form prior to commencing their first session on or after July 20th. At any subsequent sessions you will verify the answers you gave remain the case.

If you indicate to us you have symptoms of COVID-19 OR you have been abroad in the last 14 days with exception to Northern Ireland you should not be attending the practice. Where this is the case, you will be asked to leave the premises and advised to seek professional medical help/assistance.

Declaration Form Questions (Sample)

Have you visited any of the countries outside Ireland excluding Northern Ireland? Yes No
Are you suffering any flu like symptoms/symptoms of coronavirus covid-19? Yes No
Are you experiencing any difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath? Yes No
Are you experiencing any fever like/Temperature symptoms? Yes No
Did you consult a Doctor or other medical practitioner? Yes No
How are you feeling? Well Unwell
Have you been in contact with someone who has visited an affected region in the past 14 days? Yes No

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